Photos from MS2007 Summit (Endeavors)
Following on from the Interview with Peter Bondar, CEO, Endeavors Technologies, where he said they had photos from the MMS2007 Summit, here are a few of the snaps from the event.
I think I have put the right names to the right faces where names have been added, but I will correct this later if not, as I'm sure I'll get an email about it.
I would have selected the largest setting for the pictures, which would fill the screen but the guys were shy.......... no really I get limited space for photos on the But hey! if you click on the photo, they go huge....LOL sorry guys :o)
Martin Kirkby, VPSales EMEIA
Long shot view of stand
Standing: Tony Austwick, Head of Sales Support, EMEIA
Seated: Brent Chandler, VPSales, Americas
Standing: Tony Austwick, Head of Sales Support, EMEIA
Seated: Brent Chandler, VPSales, Americas