Thursday, 26 July 2007

App Streaming saving you money

Application streaming and why your organization should care by ZDNet's Dan Kusnetzky -- There are many approaches to offering computing services to mobile staff today. One approach is providing everyone with their own laptop, their own portfolio of applications and making them become their own system manager, security manager and operations manager. Although that is still a very reasonable approach for mobile staff who have strong computing [...]

The above gives a good simple explanation of why Application Streaming (preferrably with AppExpress by Endeavors is likely to become the new way for companies to distribute software throughout their organisation.

Momentum is gathering in the press with them talking about application streaming on an almost daily basis now, and soon, the IT managers of the big companies will (if they are not already) be looking at this as a cost saving measure.

It seems impossible to imagine that App Streaming won't be as big as Music, Film and Games streaming in the not too distant future. Endeavors Technologies being able to do both Apps and Games through the same solution - AppExpress.

AppExpress also has the earliest patents for Application Streaming and has recently licensed these to their competitors AppStream and Softricity, both mentioned in the above article.

Application Streaming is coming of age and the leading solution on the market is AppExpress for scalability, ease of use, and non-conflict with other applications. The solution also has anti-piracy built in, which some of these people who have been getting laptops stolen in recent months loaded with highly sensitive data probably wish they had been using.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

7th Hindenburg Omen

A 7th Hindenburg Omen appeared Monday 23rd July 2007 increasing the chances of a significant drop in the markets by October 2007. You can sign up for a months free trial to this site for information about this. dated 23rd July dated 12th July

You'll notice I've been spelling it wrong, which may have hindered your research - my apologies for that.

Google Alerts Gone AWOL

Is anyone else not receiving google alerts that were previously coming through without a problem?

I have not received any since 11th July 2007. I have emailed Google about it, but have only received an automated response saying they read everything. Good for them, well a human response would be better thanks.

I have emailed my service provider, Supanet, who said it's not a problem at their end. I'd maybe be more confident about that if it wasn't that their system was down due to technical problems during that week too.

The other problem is that I am not receiving the comments from on here by email as I usually do, which is annoying as I can't keep checking through reams of different posts to see if someone has left a comment that I should maybe respond to.

Blogspot/Blogger is a google system too, so, maybe it is a google problem.

Can anyone help me out here as to where the problem lies, so that I can at least narrow the culprit down?

Is it a Google problem or purely a Supanet problem?

Over to you folks - I'll read any comments posted here....'cause.......well obviously they won't be emailed to me. lol

Monday, 23 July 2007

Hindenberg Omen - Update

Following on from my article on Thursday 12th July (see above)a sixth Hindenberg Omen presented itself on Friday 20th July.

The markets have been pushing up to new highs, the bulls are on the march, but is this just another sign of impending doom.

In relation to what I said previously about the housing market being significant in all this, the weather is probably going to play a major part in some areas for the sales to come to a standstill.

With the current flooding in many parts of England at the moment, people won't be able to stay in their 'own' houses for many many months, let alone sell them on to anyone else. I heard a woman on the news this morning saying, "This is the 3rd time I've been flooded. I've had enough. I need to move to another area." The question is how will she do that? Would you buy her house? I wouldn't.

Both the Dow and the Ftse started a decline on Friday, but whether this is the start of a larger drop or just a rest before a push for new highs remains to be seen.

It's worth being wary though.

Tanfield breaches £2

By John Smith (guest blogger)

It's been quite a month for Tanfield's share price.

Knocking around 185p a month ago, and ended today passing the psychological £2 barrier to finish at 203p. I doubt very much £2 was a barrier to the market, but it's certainly a milestone for the watch and hope brigade, like myself.

There's a write up in the local paper about setting up a factory in the U.S. to produce the electric trucks.

I suppose I should think of an exit strategy, but this looks like it could carry on a while yet. Fingers crossed, while I ponder sell or hold. I've pondered, I'm hanging on a while :) Seriously though, they are really just setting up. They seem to have the right product at the right time, being "green" is the new P.C. I suppose it depends on how good the management team are. Can they deliver? I guess we'll see in a couple of years.

There are rumours of some announcement on Monday, but who knows, there are always rumours, we'll see on Monday.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Guardian Technology Blog

In the technology blog in the Guardian (link above) they covered how Microsoft haven't minded the piracy of it's software in China as the end result has been more sales and 90% coverage for them.

In the Comments section someone brought up application streaming by Endeavors Technologies, which I then also added comment to.

Globally piracy has stripped probably billions of dollars of dollars out of the software market over the years. The other side of the coin is that large organisations have been paying more than required to ensure they are licensing all the software on their computers, whether all the software is being used by everyone everyday or not. I suppose this is where some of the lost money from piracy is made up.

For the likes of Microsoft it maybe evens out, but for us the consumer, we end up paying more for the real thing than is required.

AppExpress, can reduce the total cost of ownership as was indicated recently in an article about Parsons an Endeavors client, who saved $1million in via both time and licensing fees in the distribution via streaming of their software internally. With scalability of up to 10,000 users per server you can see where a lot of the savings can come from.

A recent Podcast Interview by DABCC is really worth listening to to hear about how the public themselves can benefit from AppExpress in a home network and will be able to sample AppExpress through a new consumer website to be launched soon Stream24/7, which I'm hoping to have more details about in the near future.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Complete Gardens Streamed

Oxford Head Gardener on CD-ROM. Available 24/7. Planting advice software: Greener gardening advice using streaming technology

I was asking Philip Voice how things were going with Complete Gardens Streaming sales with a view to blogging about it, but who better to tell you how it's going than the gardener himself Neil. So follow the link above to his website and read how well it's going for him.

Streaming by AppExpress - Endeavors Technology a Tadpole subsidiary.

Technical Problems

I've been having some technical problems due to a problem my service provider had, hence the lack of a sum up of my thoughts on the DABCC interview of Peter Bondar.

It seems like normal service has resumed, so I'll get caught up with a few other things I'm working on and probably get onto it tomorrow at some point. All being

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Hindenberg Omen - Stock Market Crash?

Today the news came out that another Hindenberg Omen appeared on Wednesday 11th July 2007.

When I say another, it's the third signal I've heard of in recent weeks. For full analysis of this you can visit McHugh's Financial Markets Forecast & Analysis

For those of you who like me; and I've already put my hands up to this; are not chartists what exactly does this mean. Well according to the above site, it means a stronger indication of a significant stock market decline between now and October 2007.

What is a Hindenberg Omen?

Good question and I don't have the knowledge to answer that for you so I've found an explaination on another website from 2005 which hopefully helps and am posting a section from that webiste here with a link to the full article.

It is the alignment of several technical factors that measure the underlying condition of the stock market - specifically the NYSE - such that the probability that a stock market crash occurs is higher than normal, and the probability of a severe decline is quite high. This Omen has appeared before all of the stock market crashes, or panic events, of the past 21 years. All of them. No panic sell-off occurred over the past 21 years without the presence of a Hindenburg Omen. The way Peter Eliades put it in a recent Daily Update, September 21, 2005 (Peter is well worth the read, believe me), "The rationale behind the indicator is that, under normal conditions, either a substantial number of stocks establish new annual highs or a large number set new lows - but not both." When both new highs and new lows are large, "it indicates the market is undergoing a period of extreme divergence — many stocks establishing new highs and many setting new lows as well. Such divergence is not usually conducive to future rising prices. A healthy market requires some semblance of internal uniformity, and it doesn't matter what direction that uniformity takes. Many new highs and very few lows is obviously bullish, but so is a great many new lows accompanied by few or no new highs. This is the condition that leads to important market bottoms."

I guess if you look at what has been happening in the US with the sub-prime lending market ie a lot of lenders going down due to bad debtors and with interest rates rising here in the UK there should be indications in the general economy that can signal this potential occurance.

Oh no but the economy is too buoyant and that's why interest rates are going up!, I hear you say............. I'd answer, wasn't that also the case in the 80's just before a major crash.

We can be a bit blinkered when the economy is running away with itself and see it as all good, but with borrowing at all time highs and a lot of that out of equity in properties, and re-posessions on the rise again, isn't negative equity the next thing around the corner.

Figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders show that repossessions are at their highest level for seven years, having risen from 10,310 in 2005 to 17,000 in 2006, and research from Shelter reveals that a disproportionate number of recent repossessions have been initiated in the sub-prime sector, often on remortgages arranged to cover other debts.

In some areas granted, the housing market is still running at amazing levels, but there comes a day when interest rates reach the point where the squeeze starts and poeple can't afford to move up the ladder anymore, so a blip and a slow down starts, and some areas are already probably at their peak. Salaries have not gone up at the same rate as the cost of housing, so crunch point will happen eventually.

OK so crunch point may not be now, when these Hindenberg Omens are showing, but it will come one day as we all know and it could be 1 or even 3 years away, but it will come.

What does this have to do with my investment?

Well if you are invested in a company that you think can only forge ahead you might not think it will matter to you, but it will. If people go into a panic if a big sell off happens, they will create a situation where the brokers start to automatically knock percentages off all shares they deal with and so your investment may well go down even if it has huge potenial to rise. When I say investment, I mean in stocks and shares. Equally though if this does happen then, pensions, ISA's etc will also go down, but possibly the Gold (people hedging) and the Bonds market will increase, so I guess it just depends where your safe haven is.

I'm sure there will be more to write on this subject in coming weeks or months.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Encryptanet Updates

Since I've been getting a lot of email about Encryptanet, I asked Greg for an update. He said that Encryptanet is in stealth mode, but working hard to launch their latest product. From what I understand, it's a way to encrypt one or more links to any blog, podcast, or RSS feed. They provide a decryption service that acts as a gatekeeper to the content and the tools to encrypt the links. He sent me the address to try out the main service.

The link above is just an example, but encrypting links can be done by anyone. He says the real portal will have user specific accounts and much more consumer friendly graphics. Here's the steps that I copied from their product flyer:

First you have to setup your account by creating a one-time encryption tag.
Any content encrypted with the same tag will automatically be unlocked for the user. This is a really good way to group content together into a subscription.
-- enter in your email, this is the paypal, google, or amazon account that gets paid
-- enter in a unique encryption string, like a password but used to encrypt things
-- enter a price to charge for access
-- enter the time in minutes, days, months to allow access

Next you create the link.
The second and third way only work if you have the Encryptanet
access manager installed.
-- drag and drop a Web address on the form and it returns the encrypted one, or
-- add the encryptanet button to your toolbar and click on it, or
-- right-click and select encrypt from the popup menu on any link on the page

Original Link:

Encrypted Link:

Next, post the selected link on your own Website or any of your favorite content sites.
Here is an example of using the myspace blogging form to add an encrypted link to a blog entry.

Finally, sit back and enjoy the reveues.
As users convert to "micro-subscribers", you get sent the revenues--just like using Google Adsense. In this case, users are more likely to buy because:
-- you didn't destroy the "free" value of the site
-- users get greater access to all items as opposed to buying just one link (which doesn't work)
-- users don't have to disclose their private financial info or even their email

Here's the final product: a blog post on Myspace that lets free users read what they want, but provides a premium service for more interested ones.

Try encrypting your own links and see if you like it.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Market Abuse - Ramping and De-ramping

[This post has been edited and a new link demonstrating Market Abuse from the Wall Street Journal added to it Thursday 12th July 2007]

Have you been on a shareholders bulletin board (BB) or forum recently where something looks fishy?

Well over on the iii BB for Stanelco, a shareholder has taken things into his own hands and reported the company to the LSE for what he/she perceives to have been the company's deliberate attempts to ramp their position in the market by sending out overly positive statements whilst in reality everything wasn't as rosy in their garden after all as was evidenced by the failure of their Greenseal Trials with Asda.

Prior to their admission of the trial failure, all company statements had said the trials were going well. So what might the company have been guilty of (allegedly)? Well maybe they were guilty of suppressing the negative price sensitive news that should maybe have been issued at a much earlier stage.

A company has an obligation to their shareholders to issue ALL price sensitive news within a timely manner, whether that be in the Positive or the Negative as this is what shareholders use to make financial decisions on their stakes within the company ie their shareholding levels.

It is understandable to a degree that no company wants to have to issue bad news as they want the shareprice to go up not down obviously. Keeping the price heading up makes it easier for them to get institutions on board and to secure funding when required. Negative news hinders this.

So what is Ramping?

Well ramping can take many forms, from a company not issuing the negative news, a shareholder who has lost a lot of money in the past and has maybe bought in at a new low and now wants to make back his losses, a company owner overstating the future potential of the company, to even someone circulating rumours of a take over bid on it's way.

A ramper might use a BB to constantly espouse the future potential revenue of the company even if unfounded, put ridiculous valuations on a company for possible take over bids and post so often as to drown out other peoples opinions. They might also pick on other posters and mis-represent what they are saying if they take a even a slightly different view to them or an obvious opposing position. This can even go so far as to go offline and become a personal attack if they have access to your email address.

What is De-ramping - and who does it benefit?

This, also, can take different forms. Perhaps a shareholder has gone short on a share, they obviously then need a decline in the shareprice to make a profit, so they will go onto BB's and say anything they can to persuade others that the company is going to fail or a particular product is going to fail. Directors who want to perform a management buyout, might similarly suppress the positives about how the company or products are progressing to a degree where they are not fully informing the market of 'positive' price sensitive news, for their own ends.

A de-ramper can and will also use all of the same tactics as the ramper when it comes to BB's and making sure their message is the only one heard.

So what is the difference between the ordinary shareholder and the ramper or de-ramper?

Well the ordinary shareholder, while they probably enthuse about any company they have bought shares in, they will also take on board the possible negatives and be happy to have both sides of any argument openly aired so that they can make an informed decision. They might not like to hear the negatives or have their excitement quelled a bit, however, they will listen and accept that no company or product market is buoyant ALL the time and they will want to hear clear arguments from both sides of the fence and from that, they will then decide to continue to hold a share or sell up and move on. At least they will have had all the information available to them to do this.

Now lets face it, we all get a bit excited when we hear a rumour and the old adage goes, Buy on Rumour Sell on Fact, the market operates a lot on rumours, but I suppose the important thing to think about when you hear a rumour is. Where did the rumour start, has the person posting the rumour backed it up with any research and/or links to that research. If it has just appeared completely out of the blue and has absolutely no basis in fact, then bide your time and wait for confirmation or you could just be supporting a shorters dream situation, or helping someone who's lost a lot of money to sell into a rise created by the rumour. They will then be off, while you are left sitting with the shares and the price drifting down again.

Related Articles published an article entitled Avoid the Pump And Dump last year, warning people about email and BB campaigns to ramp or de-ramp shares.

And what happens if someone is found out.......
'City Slicker' Hipwell Jailed
Livedoor founder arrested
'Lie for me' asked Morgan
High-risk journey to the unknown
Wall street Journal

Enjoy BB's they can be a lot of fun and you can meet a lot of very nice, knowledgeable, witty, trustworthy people on there. But be wary, you can also become a gullible victim of someone elses game very easily, but be careful of getting dragged into something that could see you entrapped in an illegal situation.

If it looks fishy and smells fishy, then take care, we all know what bad fish does to us. :o)

Oh and by the way, I hold Stanelco shares at a loss, but I'm not afraid to hide the negatives because of that loss....LOL....the truth is the truth.

Saturday, 7 July 2007

New Shop / Store open for business!

As you will see if you are a regular visitor I have been playing around with the layout of the page a little. While I don't want to clutter up the page with loads of adverts (AppExpress and Encryptanet have been given FREE space), I was made redundant a while back so every little

I have joined the Amazon affiliates scheme and have created an online shop or store depending on what country you are visiting from :o). I've set the Home Page, book section, to cover all sorts of information relating to investments, share dealing the stock market and tax issues to be in keeping with this site's theme and in the next section there are books specifically aimed at Technologies old and new again to fit in with a lot of what is blogged about on here.

The other sections cover, Electronics (Ipods, Sat nav, computer hardware etc), Software, DVD's and Music. Hopefully something for most folks in the above lists.

Pop into the shop, have a seat and browse around at your leisure - the link is on the sidebar.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Newly rich & The Jester

My apologies, I thought you meant links within the posts weren't working, you didn't mention that it was the companies List on the sidebar.

I had a click around the site and found the problem though. I tried to edit them, but they wouldn't change, so I have deleted and re-done the links, so hopefully its all hunky dory now. Please let me know if still a problem.

Thanks for highlighting the problem guys and thanks for coming and reading my ramblings :o)

Tanfield Group Gold

For those of you following the Tanfield Group, it's price since I first blogged it is up 98.9%. Currently sitting at £1.87 vs £1.89 ( a nice narrow spread) it has hardly faltered on its way up. Very kindly again my guest blogger, John Smith, has provided me with some information to put on here, so no credit to me at Thanks John, over to you :o)

Is this the golden goose? An amazing week for Tanfield last week.

Shares were dropping back a little, apparently on press speculation that they would be coming to the market to fund an aquisition. So up pops an RNS titled "press speculation"

RNS Number:1123Z Tanfield Group PLC 27 June 2007
The Company notes the recent press speculation regarding a fund raising. The Company confirms that it has completed a placing to raise #115 million at 163p per ordinary share to fund a substantial acquisition, which is expected to be significantly earnings enhancing in the first full year of ownership. The placing is conditional upon, inter alia, completion of the acquisition and the Company expects to provide further information shortly.

How shortly for the "further information"? Well, the next day actually. This is a big RNS, so better not paste it all here, just the main statement.

RNS Number:1886Z Tanfield Group PLC 28 June 2007
28 June 2007
The Tanfield Group Plc, the leading manufacturer of zero emission electric vehicles and aerial work platforms, is pleased to announce the proposed acquisition (the 'Acquisition') of the entire issued share capital of Snorkel Holdings LLC ('Snorkel') and a conditional placing to raise #115 million (before expenses) (the "Placing").
Snorkel is a worldwide supplier of high quality industrial aerial work platforms. The products have a wide range of working at height applications and are supported by service, parts and training teams. Snorkel has significant manufacturing capabilities along with strong sales and distribution, in the USA and Australasia.

Also, they put out the RNS to annouce the annual reports.

RNS Number:1947Z Tanfield Group PLC 28 June 2007
Annual Report & Accounts and Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Company's Annual Report and Accounts for 2006 together with notice of the Annual General Meeting, which takes place at 10:00 on 28 September 2007 at Vigo Centre, Birtley Road, Washington Tyne and Wear, NE38 9DA are available for inspection from our website:
Copies will be sent to shareholders shortly.

Shortly again? Somehow I don't think this means the next day :)Well I reckon thats enough news for one week. But wait........ Another RNS, Deutsche Bank have annouced that they have increased their stake again.

RNS Number:2385Z Tanfield Group PLC 28 June 2007
Tanfield Group plc (the "Company")
Holding in Company
The Company was informed on 28 June 2007 that Deutsche Bank AG has an interest in 20,640,470 ordinary shares in the Company which represents approximately 7.05% of the issued share capital of the Company.

There's a local press report thats very bullish. But then they would be, being local and Tanfield doing so well. Share price has settled around 185 at the moment, but has been as high as 195ish intraday peak. 185 is around 10 to 15p up this week.

This little quote from the media relations manager is heart warming. Well, it would be it's his job. "According to Jenkins, the share issue was significantly over-subscribed. We could have raised half a billion pounds because of the interest from institutional investors"

Still looks good.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Photos from MS2007 Summit (Endeavors)

Following on from the Interview with Peter Bondar, CEO, Endeavors Technologies, where he said they had photos from the MMS2007 Summit, here are a few of the snaps from the event.

I think I have put the right names to the right faces where names have been added, but I will correct this later if not, as I'm sure I'll get an email about it.

I would have selected the largest setting for the pictures, which would fill the screen but the guys were shy.......... no really I get limited space for photos on the But hey! if you click on the photo, they go huge....LOL sorry guys :o)

Martin Kirkby, VPSales EMEIA

Long shot view of stand

Standing: Tony Austwick, Head of Sales Support, EMEIA

Seated: Brent Chandler, VPSales, Americas

Standing: Tony Austwick, Head of Sales Support, EMEIA

Seated: Brent Chandler, VPSales, Americas