Sunday, 3 June 2007

Tadpole Settles Another Patent Case

A couple of news items from Tadpole this week.

Firstly we have news of another out of court settlement on the patent issues, however this one differs in that both companies had early patents issued to them and they have reached an agreement to license these to each other to end all legal disputes.

I would like to hear more about this in more depth; perhaps at the AGM.

At least it means that the amount of cash that has probably been set aside to deal with these patent issues will have reduced which can only be good for the real business side of things.
IRVINE, Calif., May 30, 2007 – Endeavors Technologies Inc. today announced a broad settlement with AppStream, Inc. ending all legal disputes between Stream Theory and AppStream. Stream Theory, now part of Endeavors, was granted the earliest established application streaming patents, initially filed in 1996, and pre-dating patents filed by AppStream. AppStream was also granted early patents. As the two pioneers of application streaming, the settlement allows both companies to focus their expertise on this rapidly emerging market and continue to develop industry leading technologies.

"AppStream has granted a patent license to Stream Theory, and its sister companies including Endeavors Technologies Inc. and Tadpole Technology plc, in exchange for a patent license from Stream Theory," said Arthur Hitomi, CTO at Endeavors. "This settlement resolves all of our differences with AppStream, including the possibility of lawsuits pending between the companies, and removes the uncertainty and distraction of prolonged litigation."

"We're very pleased to have reached an amicable settlement with Endeavors and to have opened up significant new opportunities for both companies," said Brad Rowland, AppStream's Vice President of Marketing and Product Management.

Following on from that news, we also had news that we have a new House Broker in that Blue Oar will be looking after our interests from now on. It's definitely not before time that EVBG or EVO or EVO Group whatever they call themselves were given the elbow as they have done nothing to assist the company in the time I've been invested with them, which must be around 5 years now.

I would like to think that we will get a brokers note in the not too distant future from Blue Oar and that they will help to promote the company's shares to the market in general and hopefully to Institutions.

Getting Institutions on board is important to a company as it shows credibility in the marketplace. If an instituion is confident enough to buy shares then it instills a bit of confidence in the PI arena too.

On Friday there was a 4million shares trade reported late at, I think, a price of 4.25p. Most say it was a sell, but I wonder if it was a buy that started first thing in the morning when the price spread was 4.00p vs 4.50p in which case 4.25p would have been on the mid and could therefore have been a buy.

We'll know more on Monday morning because the price rise from Friday might be wiped out if it was a sell and if it was a sell from one of the holders with over 3% of the company's shares then there will have to be an RNS. If it wasn't then we might never know as anyone with less than 3% holding wouldn't have to declare it. What I would find odd about it though if it were a sell is, why would anyone have held that amount of shares up till now and then decide to sell them just before the AGM when most shares rise a little on speculation prior to an AGM. Interesting questions, but most likely ones never to be answered.

Right so, like I said, the AGM is just around the corner and again the jungle drums are beating. Rumours of a deal before then are around again, but then again, if the company really is on a turn then who wouldn't expect a deal to be announced soon or else all these other advances will have been a complete and utter waste of time. Lets face it - only deals are what really matter when it comes to the shareprice. If we reach the AGM without any news either side of it, then expect the price to drop.