Friday, 22 June 2007

It's a funny old world!

Buy on rumour sell on news! That's the old adage isn't.

For years the Tadpole Board have struggled to keep a lid on news, rumours and the shareprice getting overinflated to the point where they must have almost pulled their hair out trying to find the best form of control. Well they seem to have struck gold this time by making a statement at the AGM that they have a deal about to be they wished they'd known all along that announcing that they'd be announcing a deal was the best way to keep the shareprice steady. It's hardly flickered.

No big buys and no big sells - well well,who'd have believed it.

So, OK, we don't know what the deal is, big small or indifferent and for a change I've not heard any rumours of who it's with (usually there are a few names in the pot - ms always being a favourite lol), but we do know that a reseller has signed up and once the i's have been dotted and the t's crossed that it will be announced, but what of the real deal? What, where, when and for how much -that is the question?

And a good one it is too! hmmmmm