Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Tadpole Presentations (AGM), GSD & Endeavors

These presentations are now available for download on the main Tadpole Technology website under Investors Relations.

Tadpole Technology Plc ("the Company")
Results of AGM
The Company announces the following results for its AGM held on 14 June 2007. Ordinary resolutions, numbered 1 to 5, relating respectively to the adoption of the annual report and financial statements, the directors’remuneration report, the re-election of Peter Bondar and Iain Cockburn as directors and the appointment of Ernst and Young LLP as auditors were unanimously approved on a show of hands.
Ordinary resolution numbered 7 authorising the Company to use electronic communications was passed on a poll.
Special resolutions numbered 8 to 12 realting to various changes to the Company’s Articles of Association, failed on a poll to reach the required 75% majority.
Special resolution numbered 6 relating to the limited disapplication of shareholders pre-emption rights was not put to the meeting and shareholders present unanimously gave their consent to an adjournment of the meeting to a date to be notified by the Board.
The Company would like to express its thanks to its shareholders for their attendance and participation at the AGM.
15 June 2007
GSD AGM Presentation (867KB)
Streaming AGM Presentation (1.3MB)