Update on the way!
Well, sorry again for disappearing if you pop in for a regular update.
The dog (Tommy) is now in 7th heaven and sleeping like a log after several hours a day out in his own big yonder. I've had some guests for the school holidays (someone asked if they were my 'Goblins') my friend and her kids - wow, I had no idea how much food kids consume - Gobblings for sure.....LOL.......and............I almost broke my wrist last week (it's just badly bruised), which restricted my ability to type and it's raining today so not out in the sun topping up my tan - so hey I'm back and ready for an update of whats been happening.
Working on a round up just now, but have a bit of reading to do as my eye has been off the ball. Come back later and hopefully I'll have it sorted.
Hope you all had a nice Easter!!!!! :o)