Effective Googling
When investing in any share, you should never jump in because someone else said so. If they have given you some research on it - read it, but don't stop there. If you are about to put your hard earned cash into a company DYOR - Do your own research and then when you are comfortable that you've got the right one for you - take the plunge.
Whats the best way to use google to your advantage. OK lets use Tadpole as the example.
If you type - Tadpole into the search bar you currently get:- Results 1 - 10 of about 2,940,000 for tadpole
Type - Tadpole Technology in and you currently get:-Results 1 - 10 of about 776,000 for tadpole technology
As you can see, by putting in more you get less, but more defined results, however......
If you type "Tadpole Technology" (note the inverted commas around the search item) it turn it into a phrase being searched for and not just 2 seperate words and therefore refines your search even more and you get:- Results 1 - 10 of about 47,100 for "tadpole technology".
Putting the inverted commas around what you are looking for knocks out all the hundreds of thousands of sites and links that just have the word tadpole in them that dont relate to the share and also the sites that mention technology that bear no relation to what you are looking for. Believe me it can reduce the amount of time trying to hunt down information by hours by narrowing the results of the searches.
You can narrow down the results even further if you are looking for something specific by putting in a double search, we'll use tadpole again as the example.
Type in "Tadpole Technology" "Endeavors Technology" (remembering the inverted commas around both phrases seperately)
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,650 for "tadpole Technology" "endeavors technology
Admittedly sometimes the broadest search criteria is best IF you have time to dig as you may unearth something hidden in a page behind a page by digging through the links.
Cant See What you are looking for on a page?
Another thing to note is that sometimes there will be a result comes up that you just can't find on the page where what you are looking for is mentioned. In this case if you press the cached link - www.businessweekly.co.uk/directory/profile.asp?company_id=1001 - 22k - Cached - Similar pagesit will highlight the search word throughout the article.
Click on this link to show the highlighing
Use Google Alerts
If you want to be updated on anything new hitting the internet be it news, blogs or investor BB's that relate to the company you are interested in, then use google alerts. These are simple to set up and can be a simple alert or comprehensive alert.
On the Google main search page click more :- Web Images Groups News Froogle more » an this will take you to all the google services and the first one on the list is:- Alerts Receive news and search results via email.
Ok well I think that kind of covers it for searching, but will update it later if I can think of anything else.....happy hunting punters!!!